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Simi Expresses Desire For A Better Nigeria, Offers Tips On How It Could Be Achieved

SIMI in a lengthy write-up has taken to her Instagram page to share her opinion and dreams on how she wants Nigeria to look like. The singer also analysed what needs to be done to get Nigeria working well in order to become the dream destination of many around the world and most importantly to be a comfort zone for her citizens as well as her inhabitants. She wrote; “Imagine the magic we could do in this country if it were conducive. If electricity was stable. If the health sector was reliable. If public education was up to standard, etc…

 “We Nigerians go outside and give out the magic we could so easily bestow on our own land because even when u try to work it here, it doesn’t work. Doctors, creatives, tech people, entrepreneurs…etc. We’re capable – we just need a chance to show it. I wish with all my heart the leaders would put Nigeria and the people first. Not their greed, nor their thirst for power. Imagine, just imagine actually making this country work and having ur children grow up proud they were born to people that care enough to make a difference for everyone – not just for themselves. Imagine foreigners being desperate to come to Nigeria because it’s incredible. Also bloggers, you need to do better men.

Most Nigerians go to you for ALL of their Nigerian news and most of what you have to offer is the pain, the bad, the evil, the chaos. People come to u and practically everything u have to say is depressing. Everyone else sells their country so well, we wanna run there – but we drag our country in the mud so well, nobody sees anything good in us. Also the people, everything has been difficult and frustrating so long, you’re becoming the thing you detest.

 We don’t even try anymore. We’re just as bad. Break the law cos you can. You steal cos you can. No one understands that all we have is us. And when we lose that, we have nothing left. There’ll always be stupid people – but you definitely don’t have to be one of them. Do better. Think bigger. Money, fame, power, likes, talent, traffic is not everything. It only lasts as long as people are paying attention. Do better.”


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